
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RetailTransactionReceiptImage
Physical Name : TR_RTL_TRN_RCT_IMG

Identifies and references an image of the printed receipt originally created for this transaction. It is an optional, attributive entity.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) RetailTransaction(TR_RTL)
ImageFileURI The Universal Resource Identifier (URI) for the image file (or object) that renders the receipt for the transaction. DE_URI Name varchar(40)
Image A binary representation of the receipt image for the transaction. BNRY_IMG Blob varbinary
ImageFormatTypeCode Designates the file format used to represent the image. Valid values include: EPS PDF TIF BMP GIF JPG This enumeration is basedon POSLOG6 LogoFormatTypeCode CD_IMG_FRMT_TYP Code varchar(20)
HorizontalImageAlignmentTypeCode A code that indicates how a receipt image is horizontally aligned when it is printed or displayed. Valid values are: Left Center Right CD_HRZ_IMG_ALGNMNT_TYP Code varchar(20)
MapModeTypeCode A code that designates how the smalles unit of display for a raster image is represented. Valid values (based on POSLOG6 MapModeTypeCode) include: DOTS TWIPS ENGLISH METRIC CD_MP_MOD_TYP Code varchar(20)
VerticalImageAlignmentCode A code that indicates how a receipt image is vertically aligned when it is printed or displayed. Valid values are: Top Center Bottom CD_VRTL_IMG_ALGNMNT_TYP Code varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RetailTransaction renders receipt for RetailTransactionReceiptImage

Logical Views containing RetailTransactionReceiptImage

Logical View
Logical 02300 - Retail Transaction - Macro View